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Charlottesville, USA
Architecture faculty positions

The University of Virginia has a number of faculty positions available within its department of architecture. 

Faculty positions in architecture

UVA School of Architecture


The University of Virginia School of Architecture is seeking qualified candidates for several tenured, tenure-track and general faculty positions within the department of architecture. We invite applications for ranked general faculty positions from candidates who have a demonstrated record of excellence teaching architecture design studio at the graduate and undergraduate levels and the ability to teach lecture, seminar and/or lab courses in one of the following areas of specialisation: (1) architectural history, theory and analysis; (2) urban design, landscape and ecology; (3) building technologies and environmental systems; or (4) advanced digital technologies. In addition, we seek candidates for additional tenure-track/tenure positions with expertise in urban design and advanced digital fabrication. Faculty members at UVA are expected to teach, work with the faculty, chair, and dean in developing curriculum, contribute to cross-disciplinary research initiatives, engage in service through a range of academic committees, and vigorously pursue high profile design research, writing, and creative production. Successful candidates will have a terminal degree in architecture – MArch, or equivalent in related fields with further experience/an advanced degree post-professional Master’s degree, PhD or equivalent) in their area of specialisation.

For more information about these leadership and faculty positions including the specific details of each, their required application materials and qualifications, and to apply for these positions, visit:

Filter the Jobs@UVA webpage by selecting ‘Search Postings’ and then selecting ‘School of Architecture’ from the drop-down menu.

Direct inquiries to: Adela Su, assistant to the department chair, [email protected].

The University of Virginia is an affirmative action/equal opportunity employer committed to diversity, equity, and inclusiveness. The search committee is especially interested in candidates who can contribute to the diversity and excellence of the academic community through their research, teaching and/or service.

Application deadline for all positions: December 1, 2017

Apply here


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